Pick Up!!




-What you gonna do with it?

-I’ll give it something socially responsible to do.

-Can’t we just let it go?

-This thing needs to learn how to adapt on Earth…

-O.K., mask up.

-…like the rest of us.

-This world’s a treasure…

-But it’s been telling us to leave for a while now.

-Your daughter’s generation will be the last to survive on earth.

-You’re the best pilot we ever had.

-Get out there and save the world.

-Everybody ready to say goodbye to our solar system?

-To our galaxy?

-Here we go.

-We’re here.

-Wanna get down fast, don’t we?

-Actually we wanna get there in one piece.

-Hang on.

-We have a mission.

-Our mission does not work…

-If the people on earth are dead by the time we pull it off.

-We got this far, further than any human in history.

-Though not far enough!

-Take it down.

-Where’s the mountains!

-Those aren’t mountains.

-They’re waves.

-Not gonna make it!

-Yes you are, yes you are!

-You might have to decide between seeing your children again…

-And the future of the human race.

-We’ll find a way…

-We always have.


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