Pick Up!!




-Five minutes from now, this team will save thousands of lives.

-Under no circumstances does this briefcase leave the area, or it’s war.

-He’s on it’s way.

-Good or bad, when you work for the Agency…

-All teams in position.

-…it becomes your whole life.

-I don’t want to spend the rest of my life killing for you.

-You’re the best agent for this job, Ethan, We need you.

-I just want to spend a little more time with my daughter and my wife.

-Why did you leave me and mom?

-There’s no easy answer.

-I was gonna ask you to look after Zoe while I go to London for work.

-I can handle it.

-You have to make me a promise.

-Are you done?

-Are you really done working for them?

-What’s happening to me?

-You’re sick, Ethan, But I could offer you an experimental drug that might just give you your life back.

-So I buy back my life by killing for you?

-That’s the job.

-You have three days to kill.

-You know a lot of my friend’s dads are in sales.

-And not one of them dresses like you.


-I want to make dinner tonight. I want to make spaghetti sauce. I need your help.

-It just so happens I’m in a meeting here with a real live Italian.

-He wants to give you his great recipe.

-Why don’t you say hello to my daughter?

-Hello? I am a Guido.

-You sure this works?

-No, but I am sure that if you don’t try this drug, you’ll be dead in three days.

-You said there will be one guy.

-Not five!

-I thought you might want a ride home.

-Did you hear that?

-The spare is loose in the trunk.

-I’m trying to have a conversation with my daughter!

-I’m sorry, sweety.

-Now, where were we?


under no circumstances ・・・どんな事情があっても~ない
leave the area・・・その地域を離れる
on one's way・・・~の途中にいる
look after・・・~の世話をする
I can handle it・・・私が何とかする
experimental drug・・・実験薬
buy back・・・買い戻す
in sales・・・販売の仕事をしている
say hello to・・・~によろしく伝える
ride home・・・車で家まで帰る

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