Pick Up!!


「宇宙人ポール 」の映画予告でリスニング

宇宙人ポール の映画予告で英語リスニング力をアップ!!

-Oh my god. I cannot believe we’re gonna see Area 51!

-Uh, hi.

-Ha ha ha ha.

-I’m Paul. And I really need your help.

-Well, tonight we’re on quite a tight schedule.

-What’s the matter Clive?

-There’s an alien in the kitchenette making bagels and coffee.

-Did you want tea?

-No, I don’t want tea!

-Ooh, marmite.

-What if we wake up and find him inserting a probe into our anus?

-They don’t do that.

-Do you want one of these? Eh? Eh?

-Zoil, report.

-I’m closing in. I can feel him. In 24 hours he’s gonna wish he never set foot on planet earth.

-I want that little green prick dead ASAP.

-Hi there!

-There’s a girl outside!

-He cannot be from space. It’s not possible.

-Are they looking? Are they looking right now?

-I got my people primed, and ready to pick me up.

-So what happens if you get caught?

-Go go go go!

-I count on my brain.


-He’s kind of a buzzkill.

-Let’s lighten the mood, shall we? Clive, when did you last get laid?

-The individual that you are travelling with is highly dangerous.

-He’s not dangerous. He’s kinda rude.


-What? This is small on my planet.

-A couple of times I’ve seen him scratch his spaceman balls.

-He showed me things.

-She’s talking about his spaceman balls!

-Why are we holding hands?

-So we look like a family. We’re just a couple of regular guys, walking down the street, with a small cowboy.

-We got company!

-Give me the alien!

-Get your own alien.

-I can honestly say that this is the most fun I’ve ever had.

-I like this song.

-Stoke the fire.



-Just watch.

-It’s a miracle.


-Why did you do that?

-I’m not gonna eat a dead bird, am I?


tight schedule・・・過密なスケジュール
What's the matter?・・・どうした?
close in・・・近づく
set foot・・・足を踏み入れる
ASAP = as soon as possible・・・出来るだけ早く
count on・・・~を頼りにする
lighten the mood・・・雰囲気を明るくする
宇宙人ポール get laid・・・セックスする

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