Pick Up!!


「ブレイブ ワン」の映画予告でリスニング

ブレイブ ワンの映画予告で英語リスニング力をアップ!!

-What are you wearing?

-Green scrubs, tied at the waist, very sexy v-neck…

-Man, don’t you know that there’s a leash law?

-You were gone for three weeks, you have to let him go.

-But I want to see him again!

-He’s gone…

-But I want to see him again.

-He’s gone honey.

-I never understood how people lived with fear and then it touched me.

-We got the best detective in the city working on this, we will find him.

-Please be a little bit patient and have a seat over there.

-An officer will be down shortly to help you.

-We’re on your side.

-How come it doesn’t feel like that?

-When you love something, every time a bit of it goes, you lose a piece of yourself.

-This is too easy, man.

-It is astonishing to find that inside you there is a stranger…

-I killed a man today.

-One that has your arms, your eyes…

-If anybody is implying that the shooting is justified, let me remind you that we do have a legal system.

-The stranger is all you are now.

-There’s no going back.

-How did you pull it together after what happened to you?

-You become someone else.

-There are plenty of ways to die.

-But you have to figure out a way to live.

-I used to ask myself if there was someone that I knew, that had committed a crime, would I have the fortitude to put them away.

-And do you?

-Want something.

-I want my dog back.


leash law・・・放し飼い禁止条例
legal system・・・法体制
figure out・・・答えを出す、答えを見つけ出す

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