Pick Up!!




-This is your first day kid.

-Today, a woman gets hit.

-Day after that it’s murder.

-You got 20 years of days.

-This job takes enough out of you, don’t take it home.

-DK Project, highest crime area in the highest crime precinct.

-Watch where you’re walking.

-Watch your mouth.

-One cop struggling to keep his cover.

-These cats I know uptown they want to buy from us.

-You sound real confident.

-I trust them, man. I wouldn’t even come to you with this unless I did.

-Set it up.

-I want my life back, Bill.

-I’m workin’ on it.

-Work harder.

-One cop, desperate to support his family.

-We are expecting twins. We need a new house.

-I don’t have all the money.

-No, no, it’s not a problem. The situation is complicated, that’s all.

-One cop, just trying to get by.

-Don’t you want to do something useful with your last two minutes on the job?

-Not really.

-It’s gonna be alright. I promise you.

-They got millions of dollars, sitting in an office, all drug money.

-Far be it from me to wag my finger at somebody is looking out for himself.

-What are you doing?

-How much longer you will be dogging bullets, man? These streets get an expiration date on them.

-It’s just good to know we got some real set on date out there.

-You do this, you got detective first grade.

-He retires in a few days.

-Shield. You’re done.

-We are all imperfect creatures.

-We are led to sin.

-Pray for forgiveness.

-I don’t want God’s forgiveness.

-I want his help.

-Oh, Saint Michael. Defend us in battle.

-Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.



get hit・・・はねられる
desperate to・・・~しようと必死である
drug money・・・麻薬を売って得た資金
wag one's finger at ・・・~の目の前で人差し指を立てて前後に振る
expiration date ・・・有効期限
fitst grade・・・第一級の

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