Pick Up!!




-Are you political, Mr. Gains?

-No Sir.

-Good. We have no tolerance for politics at the White House.

-I’m Cecil Gains.

-I’m the new butler.

-You hear nothing, you see nothing. You only serve.

-You know he got the job himself. The White House call him. He didn’t call the White House.

-I wanna hear all the stories.

-I don't know how many stories you're going to hear ‘cause they done swore him to some kind a secret code.

-I’m so proud of you.

-Did you go to an all-colored school, Cecil?

-I didn’t go to school, Mr. President. I grew up on a cotton farm.

-Get back to work!

-Don’t lose your temper with that man. It’s his world. We just livin’ in it.

-It’s about time you go head out on your own.

-You lookin’ for some help?

-You done broke our window, you done stole our food. And now you askin’ fo’ a job?

-I know how to serve.

-They say that this new white boy’s smooth.

-I’m thrilled to be working with all of you over the next four years.

-Dr. King. What do your daddy do?

-He’s a butler.

-Young brother, the black domestic play an important role in our history.

-Something special’s going on down here, Daddy.

-Mr. President?

-I know your son is a Freedom Rider.

-Turn the bus!

-Everybody out!

-You know. I never understood what you all really went through…

-You’ve changed my heart.

-There’s this whole Black Power movement goin’ on…

-I gave him the green light to duck those sons of bitches.

-You know what they gon’ do to ya’? They gon’ kill you.

-This country treats us like dogs.

-I’m not the President, but you need to go.


-Get the hell out of my house!

-I’m sorry. Mr. Butler, I didn’t mean to make fun of your hero.

-Everything you are, and everything you have, is because of that butler.


secret code・・・暗号
lose one's temper・・・激怒する、カッとなる
head out・・・出発する
Freedom Rider・・・人種差別に抗議するために南部地域をバスに乗って通り抜ける人権活動家の異人種間グループの1つ
go through・・・経験する
give ~ a geen light to・・・~にゴーサインを出す
make fun of・・・からかう、笑いものにする

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