Pick Up!!


「クラウド アトラス」の映画予告でリスニング

クラウド アトラスで英語リスニング力をアップ!!

-Friday the 15th. We made sail with the morning tide…

-I’ve been quarantined to a storeroom away from the other passengers and crew…

-All I want to do now is return home.

-My dear Sixsmith, I’m in desperate need of your help.

-I got hooked on a journal written in 1849…by a dying layer during a voyage from a Pacific isle to San Francisco.

-Half the book is missing. It’s completely killing me.

-A half-finished book is, after all, a half-finished love affair.

-What are you reading?

-Old letters.

-Why do you keep reading them?

-I don’t know…

-Just trying to understand why we keep making the same mistakes over and over.

-Our lives and our choices, each encounter…

-Louisa Rey, Spyglass magazine.


-Suggests a new potential direction.

-That’s it. The music from my dream.

-I call it the Could Atlas Sextet.

-There are whole movements I wrote, imagining us meeting…again and again in different lives and different ages.

-What are you doing in here?

-We cross and re-cross our old treks like figure skaters…

-The love of my life, what had happened to her?

-I can’t explain it, but I knew when I opened that door.

-I heard it in a dream. I was at a nightmarish café, blaring, bright lights underground and no way out, and the waitresses, they all had the same face.

-Welcome to Papa Songs.

-No reason to hide. I know who you are Sonmi-Four-Five-One.

-Yesterday my life was headed in one direction…today is headed in another.

-Ever think that the universe was against you?

-What the?!

-Where’s our money?

-The low say

-The law?

-Fear, belief, love…phenomena that determine the course of our lives…these forces begin long before we are born and continue after we perish.

-Our lives are not our own…

-We are bound to others, past and present.

-And by each crime and every kindness we birth our future.

-I have begun to fear I may never hold my beloved Tilda in my arms again.

-The problem you create is a political one.

-Yesterday I believed I would never have done what I did today…I feel like something important has happened to me…

-Is this possible? I just met her and yet I have fallen in love with Louisa Rey.

-You’ve saved me twice now.

-You fall I’ll catch you.

-There is a natural order to this world and those who try to upend it do not fare well.

-I believe there is another world waiting for us, Sixsmith…a better world, and I’ll be waiting for you there.


make sail・・・帆を張る、出航する
in desperate need of・・・~を心底必要とする
get hooked・・・~に夢中になる、~の虜になる
love affair・・・情事、恋愛
bright light・・・明るい光
bound to・・・~する運命にある
natural order・・・自然の秩序

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