Pick Up!!




-Let me get this straight.

-One whole weekend, you looking after my little girls.

-As long as I can bring this.

-I love your kids.

-But they live to terrorise me.

-They do.

-See that?

-Security’s early.

-They’re all dead.

-Only one man could authorize such a strike.

-And I voted for him.

-My fellow world leaders, this country is at war.

-You’re looking at an advanced weapons system capable of destroying each of your countries 14 times over.

-And all at the push of a button.


-This well be the greatest redistribution of power the world has ever seen.

-What if the president isn’t the president?

-You’re insane.

-To our government, to our families.

-Any and all traces of our existence is terminated.

-We have to assume there’s no-one we can trust.

-There is one man.

-You all right?

-Yeah. You all right?

-My cholesterol is a little high.

-We’re all that’s left so let’s get to work.

-The world ain’t saving itself.

-Whoever did this will be back.

-They somehow survived it.

-They’ll slip up.

-When they do, I’ll hunt them to ground.

-Welcome to hell.

-Where are you?

-Anything amiss, General?

-Call me Joe.

let me get this straight・・・はっきりさせたい
At war・・・戦争状態
Fellow ・・・仲間、同士
capable of・・・~の能力がある、~ができる
get to work・・・仕事に取り掛かる
Slip up・・・失敗する

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