Pick Up!!




-Gus? You home?


-I guess that means I can come in.

-Dammit. Son of a b….

-Some new kind of style I’m not up on?

-It’s fang shmay. Don’t you know anything?

-Gus is one of the best scouts baseball has ever seen.

-The guy that signed Duusty Baker, Dale Murphy, Tom Blabbin.

-Gus Lobo!

-What are you fellas starin’at? I’m not a pole dancer.

-Welcome to the partnership committee.

-I want this.

-You’d be the only woman.

-My father is a baseball scout. I grew up around men who sore, drank and farted.

-Gimme a damm check!

-Trust me, I can handle it.

-You need to meet with a specialist.

-How are you going to scout this guy, if your eyes aren’t right?

-I don’t need your help. I don’t know why you don’t just go home.

-Because I feel this dysfunctional sense of responsibility, to make sure that you’re okay.

-How old was Mickey, when, uh…

-Her mother died. 6.

-How did you handle all that by yourself?

-I didn’t.

-You sent me away. Only a coward leaves their kid.

-You don’t know half of what you think you do.

-Hey, you wanna dance?

-Not really.

-One dance. It wouldn’t hurt anything.

-Get out of here before I have a heart attack trying to kill you!

-What do you think about dinner?

-You mean together?

-That’s a little forward, don’t ya’ think? But yeah, if you’re asking me out, I accept.

-The draft’s in 9 days. I don’t want any surprises.

-Gus is struggling.

-He’s gonna be out of a job.

-I’m just a broken down old man.

-You ought to get as far away from me as you can.

-The game’s change. Gus couldn’t even turn on a typewriter, let alone a computer.

-You don’t know anything about the game.

-A computer can’t tell if a kid’s got instincts.

-You know too much about baseball to be a lawyer.

-It’s a long story.

-I’d like to hear it.

-I don’t want to tell it.

-Are you comin’ in?

-You are crazy!

-I just didn’t want you to have life in the cheap seats, that’s all.

-They weren’t the cheap seats.

-Spending every waking moment with my Dad watching baseball.

-Those were the best seats in the house.

-You’re still single, aren’t ya?

-Maybe you are emotionally unavailable.

-Who are you, Dr. Phil?

-Hey, that is quality television.


up on・・・についてよく知っている
fart ・・・嫌な奴
heart attack・・・心臓麻痺

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