Pick Up!!




-It has been said that magic vanished from our world a long time ago.

-But if there’s one thing you can be sure of….

-I wish you could really talk to me.

-…it’s that nothing is more powerful than a young boy’s wish.

-You’re my best friend, John.

-I love you.

-But eventually, everyone grow up.

-I’m takin’ Laura to dinner. You don’t think she’s gonna be expecting something big, do you?

-It’s been 4 years, Johnny. You and me been together for 27 years. Where’s my ring? Eh? Where’s my ring?

-Put it on my fuzzy finger. Wheres’ my ring? Come on.

-Knock it off.

-I’m just sayin’.

-That’s my bad. I was sending a tweet.


-Hi Tohmas. How are ya?

-Baby, please ask Ted to move out, so we can move on with our lives.

-I’m not that psyched to just like kick him out.


-Laurie! Hey, you’re home early.

-Who are these girls?

-Oh, where are my manners.

-Laurie, this is Angelique, Heavenly, Cherene and Sauvignon Blanc.

-I swear god, her name is Sauvignon Blanc. Show her your Chevron card.

-Ted. You gotta move out. I’ll help you get on your feet out there, I promise.

-Bring it in, ya bastard, Come on.

-I love you.

-Sorry, that’s the…

-The old…

-Yea yea yea.

-I know, I know.

-I met a girl.


-She’s a cashier.

-You know what I’d like to do to her? Something I call a Dirty Fozzy.

-Down here. I’m not looking up your towel, swear to god.

-I’m not looking at your funny business.

-Sometimes I think back to that Christmas morning when I was 8 years old. I wish I’d just gotten a Teddy Ruxpin.

-Why are you crying?

-My junk got squished by the TV.

-I look stupid.

-No you don’t. You look dapper.

-John, I look something you give to your kid, when you tell’em grandma died.

sure of・・・確信している
knock it off・・・やめろってば!、いいかげんにしろよ!
move out・・・家を出る
get on one's feet・・・立ち上がる、自力でやってい
funny business・・・不正な行為、ふざけ

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