Pick Up!!




-Alright everybody. The fact that this has resulted in a pregnancy, leaves me no choice put to levy the maximum penalty.

-Take care of our baby, Donney!


-So what did the IRS say?

-You haven’t paid taxes since 94, Donny.

-I’m gonna go to prison if I don’t get 43 large.

-Holy cow! That’s my boy!

-He moved out when he turned 18, and I haven’t seen him since.

-Says he’s one of the youngest hedge fund managers in the financial industry.

-Maybe your son can help you.

-Todd, your old man is here?


-Donny, what are you doing here?

-What type of guy would miss his son’s wedding?

-You were basically the worst parent ever!

-I was awesome!

-You let me eat cake and lollipops for breakfast everyday.

-That’s what you asked for!

-But you’re supposed to say no.

-I didn’t know what I was doing. I was 13, 14 years old.

-You know what I remember, is me having to drive you home, because you were too drunk.

-Somebody’s hammered, they have another guy drive home.

-I was eight!

-You drove like a champ, too. Eh?

-Give me another chance. Get to know me a little bit.

-You guys have fun at the bachelor party!

-This is gonna be awesome!

-Don’t forget, you’re gonna go to prison on Tuesday.

-You have got to get that money.

-I’m actually just trying to be a dad right now.

-You wear a bathing suit in the shower?

-I can’t even take my shirt off in front of other people.

-What did I do this time?

-Let me jog your memory.

-The New Kids on the Block!

-Their heads are all warped now!

-That’s because I got it when I was in 3rd grade. My body grew.

-You suck.

-That’s my boy!”

-Ever since you showed up, Todd’s been acting like a different person.

-Todd, you all set buddy?

-Please don’t hit me, please don’t hit me.

-Here you go, big man!

-You alright guy?

-Throw it in, homey.

-I think the ball is broken.

-Throw it, you big vagina. Do it.

-Oh! On a rope!


leave no choice・・・選択の余地がない
levy a penalty・・・罰金を科す
take care of・・・面倒を見る、大事にする
IRS = Internal Revenue Service・・・国税庁
holy cow・・・おやおや!
move out・・・家を出る、引っ越す
hedge fund・・・ヘッジファンド
wazzup = what’s up
supposed to・・・~するはずだった
bachelor party・・・独身さよならパーティー
bathing suit・・・水着
jog someone’s memory・・・~の記憶を呼び起こす
you suck・・・最低!!

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