Pick Up!!




-Wow! I could get used to a view like this.

-Yep. Guys, I want a castle.

-I’m a guy with some simple dreams.

-Are you guarding this?




-But on this day, I was just looking for a place to escape.

-Then it hit me.

-In this tower lived a girl who’d been there a very long time.


-I’m prepared to offer you a deal.


-Look this way.

-I want see the world, and not just from my window.

-First I said, “No can do”.


-Then I said, “Let down your h…”

-I can’t believe I did this!



-Who’ that?

-They don’t like me.

Let’s just assume for the moment that everyone in here doesn’t like me.

-Is there anything else I should know about you?

-I have magic hair that has to be protected.

-From who?

-We want the girl with the magic hair.

-I have got to get one of these.

-Arms in. Knees apart.

-Knees apart?


-I’ve waited my whole life for this day.

-What if it’s not everything I dreamed it would be?

-There they are!


-You should know that this is the strangest thing I’ve ever done.

-Look out.


-That’s a lot of hair.

-This is an off day for me. This doesn’t normally happen.

-Go. Live your dream.

-I will.

-Your dream stinks. I was talking to her.


get used to・・・癖になる、慣れる
knees apart・・・脚を開く
off day・・・ついていない日、休みの日

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