Pick Up!!



ワイルドスピード6 の映画予告スクリプトで英語リスニング力をアップ!!

00:25 : This is what a hundred million buys, huh?

: It wasn't that hard to find you, Toretto.

00:33 : Wasn't hiding.

00:36 : Last week, a team of highly coordinated drivers took down an entire military convoy.

00:44 : You know Rio was my last job.

00:46 : Oh I know you didn't do it, but you're gonna help me take down the team that did.

00:54 : And why is that, Hobbs?

00:55 : Been chasing this crew across twelve countries.

: This was taken a week ago.

01:02 : That's impossible.

01:04 : I need your help, Dom. I need your team.

01:12 : Why do I smell baby oil?

01:14 : You keep runnin' your pie hole, you're gonna smell an *** kickin'.

01:17 : You got the best crew in the world standing right in front of you; give 'em a reason to stay.

01:23 : Our target's Owen Shaw, former Spec Ops soldier.

: For years they've been running jobs in Europe, but it's their most recent jobs that've graduated them to a whole new level.

: The loss of life is unthinkable.

: I'm offering you the chance to make your family whole again.

01:42 : You get us close to Letty and we'll get you Shaw. And you give us full pardons all the way around.

01:47 : I can't promise you that.

01:48 : That's the deal. Take it or leave it.

: Ride or die. 02:02 : We're not dealing with cops, or drug dealers. I've never seen this before.

02:08 : This code you live by makes you predictable. In our line of work predictable means vulnerable. I can reach out and break you whenever I want

02:20 : You believe in ghosts?

02:26 : Maybe the Letty we once knew is gone.

02:29 : You don't turn your back on family, even when they do.

02:46 : Uh, guys... they got a tank.

02:50 : Damn. 02:58 : We talkin' vehicular warfare.

02:59 : This is not what we do!

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