Pick Up!!


「センター・オブ・ジ・アース2 神秘の島」の映画予告でリスニング

センター・オブ・ジ・アース2 神秘の島の映画予告スクリプトで英語リスニング力をアップ!!

-We need someone to take us to an island, located here.

-That’s the deadliest part of the ocean. There is no island there.

-Oh, baby, easy peasy. Let’s go.

-Oh! That’s my security system.

-I’d rather take the Titanic.

-Here’s the deal. A few nights ago, a radio signal got sent out from these coordinates.

-It could be the mysterious island that Jules Verne wrote about.

-You think you’re going to travel halfway around the world, and make up with some lunatic who is messing around with a ham radio?

-It’s not some lunatic. It’s my grandfather.

-He’s been looking for mysterious island for over half of his life.


-Hold on!

-Where are we?

-Hey, I think I found a way off the beach.

-Ladies and gentlemen, I give you…

-The mysterious island.

-If this is heaven, I’m checkin’ in.

-This is amazing.

-Well, don’t just stand there!


-Who’s up for an adventure?

-What is this place?


-Mountain of Gold.

-I can’t believe it.

-In two weeks, we’ll be on the cover of Time magazine.

-This is amazing.


-Let me warn you, this island is full of dark jungles, and terrifying creatures.

-That’s emasculating.

-What was that?

-This island’s about to go under.


-How much time do we have?

-Two, three hours, max.

-These aren’t rocks. They’re eggs.

-We just need to move carefully. Lizards have an incredible sense of smell.


-If we get torn to bits…


-…I’m blaming you.

-Way to slay the heart.

-Getting the attention of a woman is one of the hardest things to do. So you have got to do this.

-What is that?

-The pec pop of love. Now go on, and throw a berry.


easy peasy・・・とても簡単な、ちょろい
ham radio・・・アマチュア無線
way off・・・遠く離れて
up for・・・~に向けて意気込んで、~に乗り気で
go under・・・沈む、沈没する
way to・・・~する方法

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